Tuesday, April 26, 2011

trails of plastic grass

  aaaahhhh easter...

baskets, egg hunting,

chocolate bunnies, fancy dresses, jelly beans, 

handsome "kissing" shirts, peeps atop cupcakes, egg dying, 

cadbury minis, trails of plastic grass, too much yummy food, 

54 relatives, LOTS of pictures, silly games, more sugar...

"were you glorified LORD?" 

i have to admit...
i love to watch my kids search all over the house 
for their own basket filled with a few special goodies,
 i love to pull a bright egg out of a cup of dye,
i love to watch as they discover and organize all their treasures 
they find on their hunt,
i love to giggle at baby bunnies and their bums.

BUT i did question...
"do they get it Lord?"
"what you did on that cross?"
"all you endured?"
"for us?"
"do they understand Jesus, how you rose again?"
"how your tomb was empty?"
"how miraculous and joyous that was?"
"do they understand that YOU, God had and have a perfect plan?"
 "how all of THIS means nothing if we don't get THIS?"

i ache, as this is my hearts desire...
that YOU, JESUS, are alive and real to these kids,
that they feel YOUR presence and desire 
YOUR will for their lives.
that they will ever so slightly grasp YOUR majesty.
that they are constantly thankful for YOUR eternal gift.

and sweetly You respond...

Maeha's 2nd grade teacher, 
Mrs. Lind (who openly admits she is not 
the worlds best speller)...

"so, i had to correctly spell crucifixion and resurrection 
this week, thanks to your daughter and her journal entry
about what easter was to her."

my spirit smiles.

i LOVE how He speaks to us in this world
and He knows our desire to not be of this world.
He created me to love all these loves, 

so i am just gonna love!



  1. best blog yet! i love you more each day. thank you for creating memories for our family and giving our children joy in this world. nate

  2. so true, raeh! and i love what nate said :)
