noun \ī-ˌden-tə-fə-ˈkā-shən, ə-\Definition of IDENTIFICATION
a : an act of identifying : the state of being identifiedb : evidence of identity
1 hour countdown...beep, beep, beep, beep.
i remember TODAY is the 1 day that our DOL is open for the month and for only 1 more hour.
it has been 5 years since my last license renewal.
plan of action...i need to greet the girls from school, situate the kids, so i can hop in the shower and get us all out the door in T-59 minutes(not quite sure what that means).
running out the door before the office closes, i catch a glimpse of my dark circles under my eyes, wet hair, fabulous sweatshirt, and nope, no spit-up. i am golden!
as we pull up, the kids get a quick run down of how they will behave in this small office or they will ALL be beaten appropriately afterward. installed fear. check!
we walk in a straight line, who am i kidding. kids are all over the place as i answer all the ?'s the nice man has for me behind the counter. one of which was weight? i give him an answer favoring on my side and HE gives me an even better answer...10 lbs less than my forgiving answer! i love him already. that sounds fantastic! couldn't be happier with the way things are turning out...
i step over to take my picture, i think to myself..."all right this is me NOW for the next 5 years". i glance around the room...sweet baby sitting big on the floor, 2 giggly girls sitting in the chairs on the side, cheering me on and one handsome little man somewhere. i think THIS IS ME! i give DOL man a smile, he tells me to raise my chin...score AGAIN, he was really looking out for me! he hands me my paper i.d. and i couldn't be happier. i look good...thanks to these 8 little eyes watching me, the grace that GOD gave me that day and every other and that gem of a DOL man!
i KNEW this was going to be a good one, no matter how bad it could be. these are my days that i am going to cherish and hold so dear 30 years from now. there is too much love all around me to be overwhelmed with the constant chaos. this is what HE has given ME to wear right now, it beats any perfect haircut or fabulous outfit or that shiny red lip gloss i love. it's up to me to wear it well.
i did all of this is in 42 minutes.
I am so impressed by you! You're a rock star mama!